Personalized Prayer Cards for Sacraments are a great way to celebrate those special religious moments in life. Are you celebrating a Baptism, Christening, First Holy Communion or Confirmation? You can find the perfect prayer below for a Personalized Prayer Card or to add to your Invitation for a Baptism, Communion or Confirmation. The sacraments are privileged moments of God's grace in the Christian community. Click on the links below to see Sacrament Prayers:
There is one Lord, one faith,
one baptism. (Ep 4:5)
Baptism/Christening Prayer 2
I thank you Lord for making me a
living temple of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for the water of my
baptism through which, on this
day, You allow me to be born to
spritual life.
Baptism/Christening Prayer 3
Baptised in the
Name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the
Holy Spirit.
Baptism/Christening Prayer 4
Baptismal Blessing
Lord Jesus Christ
hear our prayers, and
with Your unfailing protection,
watch over and cherish this child,
whom You have blessed
with the grace of baptism.
When this child has grown,
grant that one may confess
Your name in willing faith, be
fervent in charity, and persevere
courageously in hope of
reaching Your kingdom, where You
live and reign for ever and ever.
Baptism/Christening Prayer 5
Baptism Blessing
The greatest gift that God could send
He sends with love to you:
A sweet and helpless little child,
An obligation, too.
Each baby that God gives to us
Is merely lent awhile
To cherish, love, protect, and guard
From every snare and wile.
To form within his childish heart
His image good and true.
God bless this tiny new-born babe
And may He bless you too!
Baptism/Christening Prayer 5A
Welcome, Precious Child of God,
Baptised today in Jesus' name.
May the Lord give His angels
charge over you, to guide you
in all your ways.
May your life's journey be blessed
with hope and happiness.
May you embrace God's love,
accept His gifts of grace,
and walk with Him always.
Baptism/Christening Prayer 6
.....And behold, I am with
you always, until the end
of the age.
Matthew 28:20
Baptism/Christening Prayer 7
This day brings a special prayer
for God's loving guidance,
blessings and happiness not only
for our child, but also for you.
May God fill your heart
with faith and love each day
Baptism/Christening Prayer 8
Dear Lord,
You have called us to know you,
to love you, to trust you,
to grow with you.
Fill us with your Holy Spirit,
That we may follow
the path of Jesus Christ,
and find joy as we
walk there together.
Baptism/Christening Prayer 9
Angel of God,
My guardian dear,
To whom His love
Commits me here,
Ever this day
Be at my side,
To light and guard,
To rule and guide. Amen.
Baptism/Christening Prayer 10
Dear Lord Jesus,
bless this precious baby boy
as he is reborn in the Holy Spirit
to become your child,
receiving the gracious gift
of eternal life.
Blessings on this
Holy Day.
Baptism/Christening Prayer 11
Dear Lord Jesus,
bless this precious baby girl
as she is reborn in the Holy Spirit
to become your child,
receiving the gracious gift
of eternal life.
Blessings on this
Holy Day.
Baptism/Christening Prayer 12
Lord Jesus,
bless this child you have made
your own with fullness of faith
in the family of God.
Celebrating with you the joy
of this special day.
Baptism/Christening Prayer 13
How Tenderly
How tenderly
He loves them,
the children of this earth.
How carefully
He guides them,
from the
moment of their birth.
How lovingly
He looks upon them,
sweet and fair,
May He always
keep our little one
safe within His care.
Baptism/Christening Prayer 14
God has to you in
His keeping on this
very special day.
With every little step
you take He guides
you on your way.
Baptism/Christening Prayer 15
Holy Spirit,
Kindle my desire for you
that I may experience your
presence and power in my life life,
that I may find delight and
comfort in prayer,
that I may experience the
peace and joy that you have
promised us.
Fill me with our spirit Jesus.
I wish to receive all that you
have to give me.
Baptism/Christening Prayer 16
Lord, look down from
heaven above, and touch
this special child with love.
Protect and guide
this little one, until each
and every day is done.
Remind us often that it is
true, this little life is a gift
from You. A miracle You
have sent our way! Lord
bless this little child today.
Communion Prayer 1
"I am the bread of life;
He who comes to me
will never go hungry
and he who believes in me
will never go thirsty"
John 6:35
Communion Prayer 2
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for calling
me to your table and
blessing me today.
Please bless me and
hold me close always.
Communion Prayer 3
Let the little children
come to me because theirs
is the Kingdom of Heaven
Mark 10:14
Communion Prayer 4
Sweet Jesus,
With this First Holy Communion,
I offer You my thoughts, my words,
and all that I do. May Your Grace
help me to be ready to
receive You always.
Communion Prayer 5
Communion Prayer
My Lord Jesus Christ, I
firmly believe that I am
about to receive, in Communion,
Your Body, Your Blood, Your Soul
and Your Divinity. I believe it
because You have said it, and
I am ready to give my life to
maintain this truth.
Communion Prayer 6
May the strength of Jesus' love
and the joy of this holy day remain
forever in my heart.
Communion Prayer 7
May you open your heart to the
Holy Spirit to be your helper and guide.
And through the work of the Holy Spirit
may your life be a witness of
Charity, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness,
Goodness, Generosity, Gentleness,
Faithfulness, Modesty, Self-control and Chastity.
Communion Prayer 8
The Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Charity, Joy, Peace, Patience,
Kindness, Goodness, Generosity,
Gentleness, Faithfulness, Modesty,
Self-control, Chastity.
Communion Prayer 9
You are my Lord
and my God.
I thank You for coming to visit
me in the Real Presence of Your
Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
May You reign over my heart and
never let me be separated from
Communion Prayer 10
"God the Father has marked you
with his sign; Christ the Lord
has confirmed you and has placed
his pledge, the Spirit, in your hearts"
~St Ambrose
Communion Prayer 11
My Beloved Jesus,
On this joyous day, I will receive
in Communion, Your Body,
Your Blood, Your Spirit and
Your Supreme Divinity. May I
prove worthy and ever thankful
of this most Sacred Gift.
Communion Prayer 12
Anima Christi
Soul of Christ, make me holy
Body of Christ, be my salvation
Blood of Christ, let me drink your wine
Water flowing from the side of Christ, wash me clean
Passion of Christ, strengthen me
Kind Jesus, hear my prayer
Hide me within your wounds
And keep me close to you
Defend me from the evil enemy
And call me at the hour of my death
To the fellowship of your saints
That I might sing your praise with them
for all eternity. Amen.
Communion Prayer 13
As you receive this
Blessed Sacrament
Walk in the company of Saints,
Experience God's love, and
Become more like Jesus,
So that your life will
Give glory to God by the
Love you show to others.
Communion Prayer 14
Holy Spirit,
Kindle my desire for you
that I may experience your
presence and power in my life life,
that I may find delight and
comfort in prayer,
that I may experience the
peace and joy that you have
promised us.
Fill me with our spirit Jesus.
I wish to receive all that you
have to give me.
Communion Prayer 15
Confirmation Prayer
O Holy Spirit of God;
take me as Thy disciple.
Guide me, illuminate me,
sanctify me.
Bind my hands that they
may do no evil.
Cover my eyes that they may
see it no more,
Sanctify my heart that evil
may not dwell within me.
Be Thou my God,
Be Thou my guide.
Whatsoever Thou forbiddest
me I will renounce,
And whatsoever Thou
commandest me, in Thy
strength I will do.
Lead me then unto the fullness
of Thy truth. Amen.
Communion Prayer 16
Angel of God,
My guardian dear,
To whom His love
Commits me here;
Ever this day,
Be at my side,
To light and guard,
To rule and guide.
Communion Prayer 17
Dear Lord,
You have called us to know you,
to love you, to trust you, to grow with you.
Fill us with your Holy Spirit,
That we may follow the path of
Jesus Christ, and find joy as
we walk there together.
Communion Prayer 18
My First Communion Prayer
I clasp my hands, then kneel and pray
on this, my first Communion Day.
I ask you, Jesus, to watch me grow,
and teach me all that I need to know.
Protect me, daily, from all things bad,
and fill my heart with all things glad.
And if I ever lose my way,
please guide me back
when I kneel and pray.
Communion Prayer 19
I am the living bread that
came down from heaven;
whoever eats this bread
will live forever;
and the bread that I will
give is my flesh for the
life of the world.
John 6:51
Communion Prayer 20
"Now as they were eating,
Jesus took the bread, and blessed,
and broke it, and gave it to the disciples
and said, 'Take, eat: this is my body' "
Matt. 26:26
Communion Prayer 21
"And he took a cup, and when he had
given thanks he gave it to them, saying,
'Drink of it, all of you: for this is my blood
of the covenant, which is poured out for
many for the forgiveness of sins' "
Matt. 26:27
Communion Prayer 22
A First Communion
My Jesus, I believe that You are
present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things, and I desire to
receive You into my soul. I believe it because
you have said it and I’m ready to give
my life to maintain this truth. Amen.
Communion Prayer 23
Prayer for Receiving the Lord
Sweet Jesus, thank You for everything
You have bestowed upon me. You have sacrificed
Your life to save all of mankind from our sins.
You have generously shared with us Your life when
You could have chosen not to.
Forgive me for the sins I have done against
You and for the ones I will be making.
I promise that I will be a better person for you
and for others. Bless the hands of the hard working,
the hearts of the loving and the souls of those who help.
In Your name, I pray. Amen.
Communion Prayer 24
Being One with Jesus
Dear God, I come to You today to praise
and glorify Your name. You have showered us
with wonderful gifts. The best gift of all is giving
Your son to save us from our sins.
There is no worse grief for a father than
to lose his son. You have been unselfish and
very giving even to those who have turned their
backs on You. I pray that they come back to
Your welcoming arms. I dedicate this prayer to those
who need someone to call on to when the days
get rough and the nights are worst.
Give them the strength and courage to come
back to You, Father. Being with Jesus has ultimately
changed my life. Let it be for them as well.
In Your glory always, I pray. Amen.
Communion Prayer 25
Prayer After Communion
Lord Jesus, I love and adore you.
You're a special friend to me. Welcome,
Lord Jesus, o welcome. Thank you for coming to me.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, o thank you for
giving yourself to me. Make me strong to show
your love wherever I may be. Be near me, Lord Jesus,
I ask you to stay close by my forever and love me,
I pray. Bless all of us children in your loving care
and bring us to heaven to live with you there.
I'm ready now, Lord Jesus, to show how much I care.
I'm ready now to give your love at home and everywhere.
Communion Prayer 26
Prayer at a Child's First Communion
Lord Jesus Christ, in the Sacrament
of the Eucharist You left us the outstanding
manifestation of your limitless love for us.
Thank You for giving our child the opportunity
to experience this love in receiving the
Sacrament for the first time. May your Eucharist
presence keep him/her ever free from sin,
fortified in faith, pervaded by love for God
and neighbor, and fruitful in virtue, that he/she
may continue to receive You throughout life
and attain final union with You at death.
Communion Prayer 27
Little White Guest
You have come to my heart, dearest Jesus,
I am holding You close to my breast;
I'm telling You over and over,
You are welcome, Little White Guest.
I love You, I love You, my Jesus,
O please do not think I am bold;
Of course, You must know that I love You,
But I am sure that you like to be told.
I'll whisper, "I love You, my Jesus,"
And ask that we never may part;
I love You, O kind, loving Jesus
And press You still nearer my heart.
And when I shall meet You in Heaven,
My soul then will lean on Your breast;
And You will recall our fond meetings,
When You were my Little White Guest.
Communion Prayer 28
O Lord, I am not worthy that
Thou shouldst come to me,
But speak the words of comfort,
My spirit healed shall be.
And humbly I'll receive Thee,
The Bridegroom of my soul,
No more by sin to grieve Thee,
Or fly Thy sweet control.
O Mighty Eternal Spirit,
Unworthy tho' I be,
Prepare me to receive Him,
And trust the Word to me.
Communion Prayer 29
My God, help me to make a good Holy Communion.
To Thy glory and for the good of my soul I wish to receive
the Most Holy Sacrament.
Mary, my Mother, pray to Jesus for me.
My good Angel Guardian, lead me to the altar of God.
My patron Saints, pray for me that I may receive the Lord with
a heart that is pleasing to him and with great profit to my soul.
Communion Prayer 30
Jesus, gentle Savior,
God of might and power,
Thou Thyself art dwelling
In me at this hour.
Multiply Thy graces,
Chiefly love and fear,
And dear Lord, the chiefest,
Grace to persevere.
When my heart thou leavest,
Lord, worthless though it be,
Give it to Thy Mother
To be kept for Thee.
Communion Prayer 31
Jesus, I believe that Thou
art truly present in the
Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
I believe it with all my heart and soul,
because Thou, O my God,
didst say so.
Communion Prayer 32
Jesus, I adore Thee
above all things.
May all Thou hast created
give Thee thanks and praise
and adore Thee
forever. Amen.
Little White Guest
You have come to my heart, dearest Jesus,
I am holding You close to my breast;
I'm telling You over and over,
You are welcome, Little White Guest.
I love You, I love You, my Jesus,
O please do not think I am bold;
Of course, You must know that I love You,
But I am sure that you like to be told.
I'll whisper, "I love You, my Jesus,"
And ask that we never may part;
I love You, O kind, loving Jesus
And press You still nearer my heart.
And when I shall meet You in Heaven,
My soul then will lean on Your breast;
And You will recall our fond meetings,
When You were my Little White Guest.
Confirmation Prayer 2
Be sealed in the Gifts
of the Holy Spirit
Wisdom, Understanding,
Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge,
Piety, Fear of the Lord
Confirmation Prayer 3
Holy Spirit,
Kindle my desire for you
that I may experience your
presence and power in my life life,
that I may find delight and
comfort in prayer,
that I may experience the
peace and joy that you have
promised us.
Fill me with our spirit Jesus.
I wish to receive all that you
have to give me.
Confirmation Prayer 4
The Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Charity, Joy, Peace, Patience,
Kindness, Goodness, Generosity,
Gentleness, Faithfulness, Modesty,
Self-control, Chastity.
Confirmation Prayer 5
"God the Father has marked you
with his sign; Christ the Lord
has confirmed you and has placed
his pledge, the Spirit, in your
hearts." ~ St Ambrose
Confirmation Prayer 6
O, Holy Spirit, beloved of
my soul,.... I adore You.
Enlighten me, guide me,
strengthen me, console me.
Tell me what I should do
....give me Your orders. I
promise to submit myself
to all that You desire of
me and to accept all that
You permit to happen to
me. Let me only know
Your will.
Confirmation Prayer 7
May you open your heart to the
Holy Spirit to be your helper and guide.
And through the work of the Holy Spirit
may your life be a witness of
Charity, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness,
Goodness, Generosity, Gentleness,
Faithfulness, Modesty, Self-control and Chastity.
Confirmation Prayer 8
This day you have received the
Sacrament of Confirmation.
You have been fully initiated into
the Roman Catholic Church.
A seal has been placed on your
soul that can never be removed.
You are forever marked as a
follower of Christ.
You must now make a choice.
When it becomes hard to practice the faith,
when you feel too busy to go to Mass,
when someone asks you to
do something wrong,
when you do not want to follow
the ways of the Church,
when you are worried what people think,
when you doubt that God is there,
what will you do?
May you choose Christ in these moments,
as you did today at your Confirmation.
May you call upon the gifts
of the Holy Spirit
that were poured out on you today,
throughout your journey of faith.
Be bold, be faithful, be Catholic.
~Coreen Wagenbach
Confirmation Prayer 9
Dear Lord Jesus,
Please come into my heart, and
be the Lord of My Life.
Be my God and my savior.
Please send me your Holy Spirit
to make me your disciple.
Thank you for giving up
your life for me.
Now I give my life to you.
Confirmation Prayer 10
Anima Christi
Soul of Christ, make me holy
Body of Christ, be my salvation
Blood of Christ, let me drink your wine
Water flowing from the side of Christ, wash me clean
Passion of Christ, strengthen me
Kind Jesus, hear my prayer
Hide me within your wounds
And keep me close to you
Defend me from the evil enemy
And call me at the hour of my death
To the fellowship of your saints
That I might sing your praise with them
for all eternity. Amen.
Confirmation Prayer 11
A Confirmation Prayer
God, I thank you for this
opportunity to make my own
the promises once made
for me by others.
May your Holy Spirit confirm and
strengthen my faith, and draw me
even more into the fellowship
of the Church.
Confirmation Prayer 12
May the Spirit of the Lord come
into your heart as a gentle
Gift of Peace.
May He bless you on your
Confirmation Day and all the
days of your life.
Confirmation Prayer 13
Breathe in me
O Holy Spirit,
That my thoughts
May all be holy,
Act in me,
O Holy Spirit,
That my work, too
May be holy.
Strengthen me,
O Holy Spirit,
To defend
All that is holy,
Guard me, then,
O Holy Spirit,
That I always
May be holy.
~St Augustine
Confirmation Prayer 14
Come Holy Spirit
Teach me and remind me
Of all that Jesus said
and did, so that I can live
all my life with joy and love
in your goodness.
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